Friday, 3 May 2013

The true reason for Humanities enslavement

Though it is not certain why the Chitauri have chosen to disable and imprison the human race in a lower frequency of consciousness, here is my list of possible reasons.

For one thing, they are trapped also. However, they are trapped for a different reason. Somehow, they became disconnected from the Creator force and became lost, confused, and corrupt. Unable to reconnect, they felt the need to enslave something else so they can be "above" in some way, and this is why they feel the need to keep Humanity in a box. In the Bible it says that Satan was "thrown down to the Earth". Could this be metaphoric of the Chitauri's fall from higher levels of density? Of course, the intelligent thing to do would have been to try to reconnect instead of doing these negative things which only ever go bad for all that's involved, but perhaps they lack that spark that allows them to realize they are Doomed if they continue down this path. Or of course it is possible that they realize they already are Doomed, and instead choose this path knowing that one day it'll backfire. All out of options?

Another possibility is that they are playing a role. Very little is known about what they actually are, or why they even came here. Perhaps they have been assigned this role they play by something else. That's something we don't know just yet.