Showing posts with label demons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demons. Show all posts

Friday, 8 April 2011

The Elohim / God / Angels

This brings us to an all important question. What happened to The Elohim? Why do they not come back and fight for our freedom? Why do the Elohim never intervene directly? The answer is simple. Because they can't.

You see, mankind has become pretty much braindead. At least, compared to what they were thousands of years ago. People have fallen into a fake reality, where the "physical" is all that's real, and everything else is an illusion. Which in truth, is the complete opposite. The Draconian demons dwell in a different plane, and so do the Elohim. The Elohim dwell in the 6th and 7th dimensions far out of the reach of the 3rd. Let us look at this like a radio station. If you are on one station, the others are still there, but they can't be heard by you. That is how dimensions work. The others are there, they occupy the same space, but they are out of the human gaze. Since the Draconian realm is the 4th dimension, like a radio, it is able to interfere with the 3rd dimension, because it is so close to it. That is what they have done. The demons have tuned us into a particular station so that they can interfere from another. However, the FURTHER AWAY stations cannot interfere because they are too far from the frequency. Therefore, the Elohim, who are on a much further plane cannot interfere with what happens here. They have the ability to tune themselves into OUR 3rd dimension, but that would be pointless, because then they'd be in the same pit man is trapped in, and become the same. The only way for them to directly help us, is by mankind overcoming the fear and terror the Chitauri put us through, much to a point where we say "screw it, you aren't controlling us anymore". Only then will we be able to ascend to where the Elohim exist. Back to where we were in the begining. Paradise.

Of course, this is easier said than done, but the first step is to realise that all this stuff is true because otherwise you stand no chance of freedom. However, praying is not without purpose. The Elohim can hear messages sent to them through prayer, and they will send vibrations to some who have faith and help from afar, even if not directly. That is how I am here. I have had these messages sent to me. Not in the form of words or text, but in feeling. I KNOW that what I am saying is correct. It's just a feeling. One that I believe has been sent to me from the Elohim.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

The Chitauri and Fear

Fear is the most important thing here, because this is what allows the Annunaki to win over mankind. As long as man fears, these demons will always have control. And this brings me back to my nightmares and experiences over 10 years ago that set me on my path to discovering these ancient truths. Why was I terrorised and why so much by these experiences and nightmares? Because the Chitauri know that if someone is terrified they have the upper hand. And they wanted me to be so. Because I believe they knew what I was going to achieve and discover. Although it would seem that their actions only lead me closer to the truth, and now I will explain everything I have learned.

Fear is actually not a real thing, it's an illusion. But it is an illusion that is real enough for them, and clearly, for mankind also. The Chitauri saw that man, in the early stages of being, began to fear when they lost much of their psychic ability, and this is something the Draconians fed on. Thus, terrorism was introduced into the world. Claims that terrorists from Iraq and similar excuses were all made up by the Government to induce fear. The true terrorists were in fact those people that everyone turned to when it happened. These huge terrorist events fed the demons and do each time. They are not chance... they are planned long before they take place. By the very Government you trust.

As I mentioned before, Satanic rituals have taken place all over the world by some of the most notable leaders of the times. And this is important in the theory of fear feeding the demons. It has been stated by people present at such rituals that the demons will terrify the victim as much as they can before the sacrifice takes place. The reason for this is that the human blood, when afraid, contains the sustenance they need. They perform the actual sacrifice when the victim is most afraid, then pour the blood into a goblet to drink it from. This has been seen by eye witnesses who were dragged along to such rituals and were lucky enough to not die there.

This is how they work. As long as mankind is afraid, the Draconian demons win. This is what I have discovered.

The Nephilim

As I stated in my Anunnaki / Chitauri / Draconian post, the Draconians interbreeded with humans to create a hybrid race which was half human and half demon. These were the Nephilim. So what happened to these beings? Well in truth, nothing happened to them. They are still here today. And they are people you see and hear about almost every day. The British Royal Family, The Bush family, Vlad the Impaler, Tony Blair etc. People who are in power all over the world are of the Draconian bloodline, and they are the Nephilim. Why are they in power? It's because that was the plan all along. To conquer. These Nephilim were placed in these positions of power thousands of years ago, and continue to create the rules that man follows blindly today. They appear as human though they can shapeshift into their Draconian form. This human form is how they are able to decieve the people into believing they are friendly and caring Governments etc. Remember, "The Devil is a deciever".

That is the true reason for interbreeding in rich royal circles. Not snobbery, but because they need to keep the Draconian bloodline pure. These Nephilim are the easiest way for the Chitauri to manipulate the human race, almost puppeting from the 4th dimension performing actions in the physical in the 3rd.

Now the Nephilim are fully aware of what they are and who they serve. Satanic rituals take place all over the world in which women and children are offered as sacrifices to the Chitauri that dwell in the 4th dimension. These rituals are performed by many of the world famous leaders in politics, royalty and more. Even some famous celebrities have taken part in such things, and during these rituals Draconians have said to materialise and manifest as physical demons. So what is the point of these rituals? That is something I will explain in the next post.

The Annunaki / The Chitauri / Draconians / Demons.

I have learnt a lot from Demonology and religions, but only when I compared them with UFOlogy did I discover that vital connection that made everything make so much more sense.

In the Christian religion, Adam and Eve were tempted to eat the forbidden fruit by Satan, a "snake". If you look back at some of the earliest depiction of The Devil and his Demons (I'm refering to the woodcuts dating back to the 1600's) they appear as Dragon-like beings. Also, the Bible often refers to The Devil as a dragon numerous times. When I started studying Demonology, despite this obvious fact, I thought nothing of the dragon-like depictions and descriptions and considered them just random design. However; this turned out to not be the case. As time went on, depiction of The Devil and Demons changed dramatically, from Lizard/Dragon/Snakes to goats and other animals. But if you look back far enough, these Demons will always appear as reptilian.

This brings us to the truth behind demons. I have learned that these demons spoken of in so many religions and demonologies are as follows;

Firstly, they are from the Draconian star system, not Earth. Also, they are not of the 3rd dimension (physical world) but in fact dwell in the 4th dimension. It would seem that hundreds and thousands of years ago, a great war took place upon the Earth. The Elohim (Angels) were the originators of Earth, and assited man. They travelled in chariots... thats how religion puts it, but in truth they travelled in futuristic spacecraft. "Chariots" were the only way people of those times knew how to explain such machines. Man were a highly intelligent race, and were able to transcend beyond the physical world. This was as the Bible spoke, the Paradise, before the coming of Satan and Adam and Eve's deception.

This was when the Draconians arrived. They arrived in chariots also, gold spheres from the sky. They were reptilian in nature, and waged war upon the Elohim. The Elohim were defeated, but not destroyed. And man were forced to worship the Draconians as Gods. In return, they gave man speech. And this was a heavy price to pay, though they didn't realise it at the time. Before they had speech, they were able to use psychic ability. But the more they began speaking with their mouths, the less of their psychic ability they harboured. And that is when man became slaves to the Draconian demons.

My research has lead me to believe that the demons spoken of in ancient religions such as Christianity etc. are in fact these extra-dimensional reptilians, the Draconians.

The Draconians are believed to have abandonned here when the rest of them left and returned to the Draconian star system. Therefore, they are trapped here on Earth, but on a higher plane of existance. From here, they can control humans by possessing them or manipulating them with brainwashing frequencies and similar tactics. The Draconians aim is to conquer, I believe. And this is what they have been doing for thousands of years, except now, they are more discreet in their work, leading humans to believe that they do not even exist.

The Draconians are known to be a beige colour, some what browny/greenish red. They have black eyes with white slits and when they came down to Earth they had crosses on their chests. Many of them had wings, most notably Satan, or as he is called in my research, Pindar.

When the Draconians firt arrived on Earth, they copulated with humans to create a hybrid race known as the Nephilim, but this I will explain in a seperate post.

The Draconians are also known as The Chitauri, The Anunnaki, and Demons.

I have reason to believe that many messages recieved by mediums and psychics from the spirits world are also messages sent by the Chitauri to manipulate. If during a seance, you are to get a message from a dead loved one, I believe in many cases, these are messages actually being sent by the demon, not the one you believe it to be. These are just more and more ways the Chitauri fool and manipulate people. I'm not saying all messages recieves are fake, but they do intercept things like this. Occasionally people have stated that playing with Ouija boards etc has caused them to become uneasy, making them believe they are being watched and in some cases even possessed. Again, if you are contacting the spirit world, this can contact the inter-dimensional Chitauri, which could in fact lead to that.